The whole car was brought to a halt. Darn those traffic lights around Shah Alam. I hate stopping for nothing when the time on my digital clock shows around 12.30 a.m. Nobody will be crossing. Why must i stop?
As i my thoughts spiraled down to the unknown depth of my imagination, i saw a silhouette passing by. A youth on a bike inched closer to the white line that is an unseen barrier, stopping us from our journey. "Subang jauh lagi beb, bile nak ijau ni?"
He was then joined by another three riders. The four horsemen? A cabal of which i'm remotely familiar. "oh great." i thought. they were wearing t-shirts with an item similar to which lady justice is holding emblazoned across their back.
Then, the lights turn green.
They went screeching. One of them went on to perform a wheelie. Forcing the tortured machines to reach uncomfortable noise level. I was dumbfounded,my head was spinning from the high decibels. From the stunt alike to Merdeka Celebrations at the Stadium Merdeka in front of me.
Eradicate and rectify issues that are seen as important to the development of the youth of the nation. Don't encourage them.
And not block the developments of their minds.
Due to the fact that the vote counts are portrayed by the political parties as more valuable than any of the youths mind, i will not vote.
Bunga dan Angsa Terbang Mendapat Perbatasan
Too much time doing book work today. Sometimes it seems so unfair that I
can't quilt all the time like I really want too. lol
Bunga dan Angsa Terbang Saya ...
3 years ago
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