I haven't been posting lately. Aku sibuk berjamming untuk persembahan kugiran hujung minggu ini.
Nonetheless, I would like to list down 7 Songs that i'll be playing this weekend.
1.Coldplay- Fix You.
Lagu mudah. Only Bob on Keys yang akan menggelabah sedikit. Other than that, i think we'll breeze through this one. Chris Martin has a unique voice and i hope Joe can pull it off.
2.Hujan- Pagi Yang Gelap
Malaysian song of the year kot. Impressive sungguh musicianship level mereka. Idea yang bernas. Nyanyi pun senang. I love the jazz outro. This is more for the masses.
3.Pearl Jam- Jeremy
This is definitely for the batch members. One of the best PJ songs. Bassline pun mengancam. However, this song has been a staple jam for us for quite sometime thus, it has less excitement to me.
4.Radiohead- High & Dry
This is a beautiful song. Just had to play it. It's not that simple though to do it right. I hope the crowd will like it.
5.Pearl Jam- Black
Was the "it" song back then.
"I know someday you'll have a beautiful life,i know you'll be the sun..in somebody else's sky..why cant it be mine?"
Hauntingly beautiful.
6.Red Hot Chilli Peppers- Hump de Bump
If its RHCP, it's the bassist choice..haha..Memang aku pilih. Aku bosan main lagu2 yang lain. Tapi lagu ni catchy and enjoyable...thus it will hype up the crowd in preparation for the finale...
7.4U2C- Fiona
[kerrrrrrrrrrr(to the sound of the ugly shaker in its intro)]Perempuan murahan yang menipu kata nak belajar..tapi keluar dengan Farid. Mesti la lagu tu best kan?So,to underline the fact that we are the 90's teenager..apa lagi pilihan selain dari lagu yang sangat cliche ini? Fiona lah gadis dalam setiap mimpi budak-budak lelaki pada ketika itu. Bila dengar balik suara Fiona ketika nak carik lagu tu, aku rasa macam comel sebenarnya Fiona ni. Siapa la Fiona ni agaknye...Farid tak antar die balik lagi ke?lama gile die keluar...
So there you have it. Ten years reunion songs. Hope you'll like it. That's the best we could do.
So the next post will have to be next week..With a lot of pictures from the Royal Town.Yeay!!!!
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Bunga dan Angsa Terbang Mendapat Perbatasan
Too much time doing book work today. Sometimes it seems so unfair that I
can't quilt all the time like I really want too. lol
Bunga dan Angsa Terbang Saya ...
3 years ago
Hey Joe! Fiona la..Fiona laa..Mana?? Tuuu..kat kantin tuuuu!!
ReplyDeleteHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH..weh..ko main lagu hump de hump..aku suka ah..aku nak tgk ko main ah!!
mana ada fiona kat kantin...member2 Joe ajak die pegi kantin..on the way tu jumpa fiona...
ReplyDelete"malam ni tak boleh la..fiona kena belajar"
"ooo kena belajar"
haaaa...lepas tu baru kluar ringtone evergreen..
u know the rest ah bro..
fioooonnaaaa..u fucker bitch..u went out with farid when u told me u want to studyyyy...bittttcchhhhh...i hate uuuu..
ReplyDeleteterus eamon kuar lagu...fuck it (i dont want u back).
dapat idea dari lagu fiona la tu..
eh bila nak ajar kak lin pulak main guitar, lah??? tengah mencari orang ajar strumming, ni...maklum, dah tua. karat la sket...heh heh