I wonder why they call it dinner plate..Jual la malam je..kang ingat aku tak paham cakap omputih lak..tapi dah lapar, belasah lah..
While i was eating, i was thinking about random stuff, miscellaneous..itu la balasan lunch seorang diri in KL. Tapi, inilah perkara yang menggembirakan aku hari ini.Not in any particular order or preference.
1. Kentucky Fried Chicken.
I just love it. Tak boleh makan selalu, tapi once a month..uih sedapnye..
2. 7-11.
Maybe a factor to my inclination towards the number seven. Cari kecik i was brought there to buy slurpees..sampai besar, i've move up from Slurpee to Dunhill 20, tapi mesti beli kat Seven.
3. Man Utd.
Pengaruh Bos. aku tak pernah suka team lain. Dari aku kenal bola, itu je team aku suka.. Walaupun masa tu Liverpool power..bukan era Torres, era Rush tau!..I hope they win tonight.
4. Bass guitar.
Sangat lah menggembirakan aku. BTW, MIA Pbass '80s for sale.
5. Futsal.
I don't know what my weekends would be without HTO. They are the best now in Klang Valley..wayyyy better than any Sports Planet franchises.
6. Music.
Not a specific genre. It does not have to hail out of Madchester or Factory Records..nor must it be from Deathrow and such..To sum it all up, i feel that without music, i've lost colors in my life and it could be anything from Chantek to 24 hours party people to potrait of tracy. Yang penting, it makes me happy. Even if it's Gloomy Sunday.
7. 7.
The figure on my back with my kit on. Ma Maison's number too..As a tribute to the number, I think i should have a Seven list of the day. Thanks for reading the first one.

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