

blog buih

Dalam kereta ke pejabat. BFM 88.9 di udara. Temuramah pagi ini dengan seorang cina. Boss besar di GSC. The conversation goes something like this:

DJ : So what is the GP margin of the cinema business in Malaysia.

Boss : Like I said, we have an electic range of people watching movies...

DJ : Electic or Eclectic?

Boss : Oh, it's Selectic..

Buih : Wtf?!!

I was bursting with laughter by then I could'nt hear the rest of the conversation. Nonetheless, what a way to relieve me from my morning jam woes.


Mr Irving Chee's blunder was still buzzing in my head when I walked into the office. I saw yesterday's newspaper on the table.

Nani : Ronaldo adalah pemain terbaik yang kami ada, namun sekarang setelah dia pergi tibalah giliran saya mengganti tempatnya.

What an load of eclectic crap.

Aku lagi percaya Nani cakap Melayu dari nak ganti tempat Ronaldo.

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