Kami bercadang untuk bercuti bersama2. Total FC ingin ke Pulau Pinang. Jadi blog ini digunakan untuk berkomunikasi dan juga untuk update2 terkini tentang percutian ini.
blog buih
Tentative date: 7,8 and 9 November.
Destination: Penang Island.
Ketua Gerakan & pengiraan belanjawan : Ahmad
Agensi Logistics : Shahir
Penyusunan Strategi dan Taktikal : Peah & Kept
Tempat Tinggal dan Tempat makan : Armi
Ketua Wanita : Nani
Diharap, para peserta yang lain dapat mendaftar segera untuk membantu dengan tugasan2 sedikit sebanyak. Selain dari itu, ia dapat memudahkan pengiraan kos dan penyusunan strategi.
-Arrival of fellow members by nightfall. Hang-out at Ferringhi Beach pasar for cheap DVD's and some makan2.
- Bangun pagi untuk ke Taman Negara Pulau Pinang.
[ I haven't been here and thus, i don't know what to expect, but it seems like a nice place to relax and do some catching up with the flora and fauna (chewah!). Bring appropriate attires (comfortable shoes etc)] Kalau bosan kat situ, ktia boleh pergi sini untuk menikmati berbagai buah buahan tempatan. Masalahnya entrance fee dia agak tinggi, RM25. Kalau ada masa, kita boleh buat dua2 sekali.
- Makan tengahari - refer to AJK makanan.
- After lunch, chill at the top of Penang Hill (bahagian logistic sila bekerjasama dengan bahagian belanjawan untuk kos2 masuk ke tempat2 riadah) Supposedly to be cooler by a couple degrees compared to the oven below. Hence, i suggest for the visit to be during the afternoon.
- Petang is the main event for the day, that is visiting Georgetown area which was recently awarded the Unesco World Heritage Site. Among the places of interest which is planned to be visited ( not in any particuliar order):-
Rumah P. Ramlee - (Sudin yang nak gi umah member lama dia)
Kek Lok Si Temple - on the way to Georgetown.
Fort Cornwallis - near padang kota area.
City Hall - near to Fort Cornwallis
and other close proximity areas within Georgetown (map). Expect more walking.
By night time, we shall be ready for Total fc's Annual Dinner ( venue to be confirmed by AJK makan) which is also important as it coincides with a Major EPL game namely, Arsenal vs Manchester United ( kick off at 9pm). After football, if we still have the energy, we shall go on to Slippery Senoritas (website dia cantik, click! click!) and get jiggy. Kalau tak larat, balik tidur.
- guess it everybody will sleep in, then bila dah bangun, boleh la kalau nak ke Chowrasta. For those who are not interested in Buah Pala (nutmeg), there's always Cendol by the roadside.
- Then by around noon, we hit the road to catch some lunch in Kuala Kangsar due to popular request.
- By petang, we should be in Darus dah.
So, that's the initial plan, any comments, changes, suggestions, please feel free to write it in the comment box. your valuable inputs are highly appreciated.
Please commit to the trip as early as possible to aid the logistics team. Tq.
Bunga dan Angsa Terbang Mendapat Perbatasan
Too much time doing book work today. Sometimes it seems so unfair that I
can't quilt all the time like I really want too. lol
Bunga dan Angsa Terbang Saya ...
3 years ago
Dear peah guess what im in pasir gudang today!i don't think i can go to the total family day since i will be at sea on board a DP class vessel called miss clementine owned by sarku.kalau aku free aku habaq kat hang.aku nak ke s'pore for the next few days then ke miri via labuan.
ReplyDelete-sinbad signging off-