blog buih
Macam biasa bila aku duduk dengan dia, aku kena marah.
"Why do you like to blog about me?"
"You're interesting to blog about.."
"At least takyah ah letak gambar"
"I dah alih dah semua. If I don't write about you, blog I takde antagonis."
Selang beberapa minit dan beberapa suap nasi Briyani Bukhara.
"My friend once said, 'muka mamat ni so oily'"
"Kawan you tu terasa handsome kot?" Aku memang tak boleh tahan orang suka2 kutuk muka orang tak bersalah ni. Dia memang tak bersalah and so nice and charming. Imagine going to a total stranger and requesting a shuffle lesson, from a guy who looks like he came on an EX5, in the middle of the club. Plain dark "full cap", check! Skinny blue denim jeans, check! Shiny bangle, Check!
I think it ended with a dance off. I didn't take note who won.
"I boleh ah cakap cam tu sebab I tak terasa I handsome. I tau I handsome." Aku memancing antagonis hidup aku untuk bertindak balas.
"A'ah you memang.." Jelas dia menentang pendapat aku dalam kata2 positif. Aku diam sambil berfikir.
"I'm in deep shit. My antagonis knows me like the back of her hand."
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